Internet Marketing Plan: What You Need to Know Before You Create One

Want to be a success with your business?  If you do, then you must make sure you take the right path.  The mistake that a lot of business owners make is creating their website and then developing a plan for their marketing.  If you do this, you’ve set yourself up for failure.  The following are a few things you need to know before you create your Internet marketing plan and your business website.

First, you must do the market research on the products you have chosen to sell.  Do people really want this product?  Does the product you have chosen fill a need?  Create a few surveys to post online and you may be surprised by what you can find out.

Second, you have to evaluate your competitors.  Who else is selling the products?  What are they doing to market their products?  What are their strengths? What areas has their Internet marketing plan left out?

Next, you have to figure out what you can offer to the consumer that your competitors do not.  It may be as simple as providing great customer service.   If your competitors do not have a strong customer service, you may want to concentrate on this area.

You will also need to develop a plan on how to handle your marketing when your competitors start making changes to their business, as a counter move against your business.   After all, once your competitors see what you are doing, it’s almost guaranteed that they will do something.  Have a plan already in place, even if you don’t need to use it.

Last, you will want to develop a timeline for your business.  How many sales do you expect the first week?  First  month?  First year?   If your sales do not meet your expectations, formulate a plan to ensure your success.

Before you can create a great website or an Internet marketing plan, you must do the research and determine the route that you are going to take.  Without knowing what your competitors are doing, you may simply feel like you are running around in the dark.

How The Best Network Marketing Companies Set You Up To Win

The best network marketing companies don’t just ask you to make them a bunch of money, they set you up to enjoy your own success – not just to have success by the sweat of your brow, but to really enjoy it.  These companies have been in business long enough to understand that people need to be able to enjoy the money they are making and the relationships they are forming in order to stay in business over the long haul.  Quick success followed by lethal burnout just results in a lot of failed businesses.  So, the best of the best will get you on your feet and help you sustain growth with these tools.

1. Initial Training Blitzes.  The top companies to work with offer training blitzes to help you learn a lot about the company very quickly.  You can get this information through videos or online, and can sometimes get started in seminars and conferences designed for new associates.  The new information should help you get a fuller picture of the company so that you can better see how you fit in.

2. Easy to follow sales instructions.  You should be able to understand your product and the process for selling your product easily.  You should know how to obtain product, the forms you need to fill out, and how to disseminate product once it is sold.  This process for how to run your business can get thrown under the rug for companies just learning to make a quick buck with your sign-on fee, but companies that expect to work with you over the long haul will provide you with a step-by-step process for success.

3.  Access to experts in the company.  Most of the businesses these resources apply to are network marketing resources.  That said, your boss could also be your brother, neighbor, or boss.  You may already have been friends with this person for a long time and may eventually come to a place where their information reserves don’t offer you any more knowledge than you already have.  In this case, the top marketing company provide you with multiple contacts within the company to handle a variety of different issues.

These tools and resources are really essential to maintaining long term success in your business.  As you review offers and consider your future, look for a company that has a pan for keeping you and supporting you.  The best network marketing companies will be as committed to you as they hope you will be to them.

Finding a Good Home Business Opportunity

It pays to do some research in order to find a good home business opportunity. Unfortunately it seems to be the norm that when people ‘arrive’ on the internet, they become obsessed with joining every program that is proposed to them at the drop of a hat.

Each one sounds like a good business opportunity, but is it really?  People who don’t yet know any better, believe the claims that people can make substantial profit in spite of having no experience in the industry, and/or by doing little or nothing.

For the most part that is not true. While ‘passive’ may sound like no work, it does not mean you don’t have to set it up and get it running first.  Here, running means having sufficient ongoing marketing, advertising, search engine optimization strategies, and technical support and maintenance.

The only thing actually ‘passive’, is a website business is not like having a store or a job, where you have to be present 8 hours a day, 6-7 days a week.

Another popular description of a good business opportunity online is that it runs on ‘autopilot’.  Sure the website does ‘run’ automatically, but nobody ever made any money just by having a website running.  Again, it is all about marketing, if you hope to generate an income from an internet business.

With most affiliate business opportunities, they are usually relatively inexpensive to start and have no long-term contracts.  So, sometimes the best way to really see what the business is about, is to just join and see what you get. Make use of all of the resources and training that may be available with membership. Get as much for your money as you can.

Even if it doesn’t turn out to be a good business opportunity for you in the long run, you will have learned something, for better or worse; but again, that is only as long as you are not obligated by signing a contract or investing a substantial amount of money to start out.

It’s okay to gamble a little, but make it an educated risk, and never gamble with more than you can afford to lose.  Before you decide to start a business opportunity, do due diligence – check up on the company – the principals, and the reputation, and read the fine print.

How to Find the Best Home Business Opportunity Online

The easiest and most accessible resource on the Internet is of course the search engines. This is such an amazing technology, and we are so fortunate to have what seems to be an endless stream of information about everything and anything close at hand.

So I bet you know where to start looking for the best home business opportunity online.  You could first make a list of possible businesses that seem attractive to you for the products or services that they sell, or that represent the greatest potential for maximum income. That would seem the obvious place to start searching.

However, there is a theory that the intelligent way to find the best business opportunity is actually to find the market first, and then get the product or service that the market is searching for.  This means to find out what the popular trends are.

What is it people are looking for when they go online? (The answer is actually information, but that is for another article, unless you want to go into a business involving information technology or services).

Even if they are considering purchasing something, they are first searching for information about it.  They may want to study the specifications and functions of the product, compare prices, and where to buy it, etc..

Just ‘Google It’ is a common answer to just about any question, including how to find the best business opportunity online. So we would first take the results of our research into trends, and having found our market, then we would look for the products or services we might want to sell.

So hypothetically, we find that there is a huge market for videos.  We find that many people are interested in buying new or used videos, and that they also like to rent videos.

We then look for the best business opportunity that offers videos. We may find that it is very expensive to buy a franchise business; so then we look for Internet shopping malls that may offer affiliate opportunities, (like eBay, Amazon or ClickBank for example).

If we have any skills or expertise in web design, we might just design a site ourselves, and then start shopping for wholesale videos to feature or link to on our website.

With the Internet business model, it is not usually necessary to have inventory, and it may be best to find resources that will do drop shipping directly to our customers.

It depends how much work you want to do, so that would be some of the fine tuning you would need to do in structuring the best business opportunity for you.

Multi Level Marketing: Planning Your Day to Be Productive

When it comes the MLM business, many people are often overwhelmed with everything that must be done.  In fact, many people are often scared away because they are confused by the requirements of the business.  Selling.  Recruiting.  Prospecting.  What does all of this mean?  Basically, what this means is that when you are in multi level marketing, you must plan your day to be productive.

One of your main tasks in multi level marketing is going to be advertising both the products you are selling, as well as your opportunity.  This task is going to take a few hours a day.  However, before you start just advertising anywhere, you want to make certain you have created a marketing plan that you can follow step by step.

Another one of your tasks is going to involve following up on any of the leads you have acquired.  This can be done with either a phone call or an email.  Again, you will want to create a plan for this task.  Keep in mind, there are many programs that can help you with this task, such as an autoresponder.  This program can automatically send an email to anyone who has left their information on your website.  Not only is it thorough, it can help save you a lot of time.

Part of your schedule will also need to include prospecting.  Prospecting is contacting the individuals who have shown a real interest in your products or your opportunity.  This follow up is crucial to the success of your business.

The fact is, multi level marketing does involve a lot of different tasks throughout the day.  However, once you create a business plan for your new business, you’ll find what you need to do is clear.  The success of your mlm business will rely on you getting these tasks completed, so make sure you take advantage of the various programs that can help you to reach your goals.